Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Rough Riders On Mars! - Chapter 36 – The Jail Break


Chapter 36 – The Jail Break

We marched out an hour before sun-up, the scouts led by Sergeant Fish in front. When we reached a

line even with the middle of town, I took the squad of V.I.C. north, to our hiding place. The scouts continued east until they were out of sight.

We waited anxiously for the sun to come up. Once it was light enough to see, I ordered the men to check their weapons. I gave the scouts the bolt action rifles so that they could benefit from increased rate of fire. My men carried the trapdoor carbines and two revolvers.

The sun had just cleared the horizon when we heard the first reports of the rifles. I took out my binoculars and scanned the town. To my delight, I could see the building where ten Martian soldiers spilled out into the street. From a building across the street from the barracks, I saw a man dressed in a suit typically worn by officials come out into the street.

“They are on the move men.”, I said. “I have spotted two buildings where our men might be located. They are across the street from one another. We’ll check the closer building first, then the second if needed.

The men nodded their understanding. The rifle fire increased steadily. I strained to hear the report of a pistol. The unique report of the Martian rifle started up, sporadic at first, then becoming more regular. Still we waited. Minutes went by, but no pistol shots. Then I perceived our rifles moving away.

“Our boys are movin’ back.”, Private Adair said. With this, the men began to fidget.

“It should be soon now.”, I said.

Adair then said, “Sounds like a good number of them Martians are after our boys. A dozen, maybe more.”

A few minutes later, we could hear three pistol shots.

“There’s our signal.”, I said. “Let’s move.”

We advanced to the edge of our cover. We had a hundred yards of open ground to cover.

“At the double men!”, I ordered, then took off at a run to clear the open ground. The rifle fire to our right continued unabated. We halted beside the buildings on either side of the street that we were to enter. I motioned to the men on the opposite side to move as I rounded the corner. As I advanced down the street, a door flew open and two soldier stepped out. Two shots rang out from behind me and the two Martians fell to the ground.

I drew my pistol and hurried to the door. I entered the door and found an empty room. The room was silent, aside from the men entering. I moved to the right corridor and motioned to the other half squad to the left. We entered the corridor and saw civilians scattering.

“Adair!”, I yelled, “You and Benson round up those people!”

The two men fell back to collect the people and push them behind us. I entered the next tower, which was empty as well.

I turned to my men and said, “Help Adair and Benson get those people in here.” I then went to the next door. I waited until I saw Private Cook at the far door.

“Anything!”, I shouted.

“They’re not here!”, he replied. “Just a few civilians!”

“Round them up and bring them here!”, I ordered. “We’ll lock them up in this tower!”

We moved our captives to a corner as Cook and his men brought the others. I had him lock and bar the door after everyone was in. We put all the civilians together. They appeared very frightened, but we could do nothing for it. We left through the door I came in, barricading it before we left.

“Let’s go to the next building.”, I said. “We’ll find them there.”

I moved out the door then up to the corner. I looked down the street to the west then east and saw no one. I waved the men forward and they rushed past me with a “Rebel Yell”. As I got under way, I saw two of my men crash through the door and three more dive in after. Shots were fired and as I made it to the door, my men were disappearing down the hallways.

“No unnecessary shooting!” I yelled. As I surveyed the room. I saw two officials on the floor and one of our men down.

“Are you alive, private?”, I said to the man. He moaned then sat up.

“Sorry colonel,”, he said, “I think I broke my shoulder on the door.”

“Let me get you fixed up so we can get out of here.”, I said. As I fixed a sling for my wounded man, more shots rang out. I moved to the corridor and saw my men coming my way.

“We got’em!”, Private Benson said. In a moment I could see what he meant. There were Banto and Granto in amongst the men.

“What was the shooting?”, I asked.

“Couldn’t find the key.” Benson said.

“Bully!”, I said. “Let’s get back to camp. Banto, Granto, you help Private Davis. He has an injured shoulder.”

I looked down the street and saw no one, so we moved on. We got to the end of the street and stopped to observe. Then I noticed that I wasn’t hearing rifle fire.

“Our men are not shooting.” I said. “We must be viligant. Let’s move out.”

As we crossed the open, I spotted a group of Martian soldiers moving toward us.

I shouted, “Down men!” The men dove to the ground. I brought my rifle to bear and fired. The men followed suit and a sharp firefight ensued. We were pinned down in a small depression without much cover.  The Martian hostiles kept us pinned down while their comrades rushed forward. It would soon come to hand to hand fighting.

Then, what sounded like a machine gun opened up behind us. I spun around but could see nothing. Reytik’s men stopped, confused. My squad took advantage of their pause and opened a rapid and telling fire. I turned back to see the Martians throw down their weapons and run.

The machine gun fire persisted, but it sounded strange. It was not in rhythm.

“Let’s move, cautiously.”, I ordered. We crept forward, toward the shooting. We broke into the brush and found Professor Edgren.

“Professor!”, I shouted. “What are you doing here.”

“Well,”, he started, “I heard you tell the troops that you needed them to make as much noise as possible.
The others came back, out of ammunition, so I grabbed a bucket of water and a box of Martian bullets and came here to help.”

“Well, you scared off the lot.”, I said. “And you gave us a fright as well. Let’s get back to camp.”

We made it back to camp with no issues.

The paintings are by Charles Johnson Post. who was visiting from Nodus Gordii.