Monday, June 24, 2024

The Sun Never Sets - 15mm figures for warfare around the British Empire - The British Part 1

 The British are the largest contingent in terms of troop types in "The Sun Never Sets". Therefore it will be necessary to break them up into several entries. For this post, I will start with the artillery and machine guns. All of the gun models are 3D prints from my own designs.

9 pdr RML

The 9 pounder rifled muzzle loading cannon was the mainstay of the British during the period of "The Sun Never Sets". The cannon comes with 4 crew in 3 poses.

.45 Cal. Gatling Gun

This is the typical machine gun used by the British army.

9 pdr Hale's Rocket Trough

As with the cannon and machine guns, the 9 pdr. is the model typically used by the army.

Other Weapons - Of course, the above weapons were not the only ones used on campaign. Below are a number of others. These were usually supplied by the navy, but not always.

Mountain Gun - Used in areas of exceptionally rough terrain. I will be making an Indian crew for this model. I already have camel transport for this gun, which will be shown in the post on transportation.

2 Barreled Gardener Gun

3 Barreled Nordenfeldt Machine Gun on Naval Carriage

5 Barreled Nordenfeldt Machine Gun on Naval Carriage shown unlimbered and limbered.

24 pdr. Hale's Rocket Tube - The last item is the rocket tube supplied by the Royal Navy. It is crewed by 4 sailors.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Sun Never Sets - 15mm figures for warfare around the British Empire - The Northeast Frontier and Some Gunboats

 The Northeast Frontier of India is an all but unknown theater for wargaming. However, since conflict can arise there in "The Sun Never Sets", the inhabitants needed to be represented in miniature. Because only a small number of figures for the NE Frontier are needed, I decided to increase this post with pictures of Nile and Irrawaddy gunboats I have designed for 3D printing.

Northeast Frontier Tribes 

In the first group are two poses of plainly dressed Abor (one of the tribes of the region). The pose with the spear can also be given a bow (the primary weapon of the Abor) in the off hand. There is also a Chieftan pose.

The second group contains some more elaborately dressed warriors along with another pose in "everyday" attire. The Chieftan is the same model as in the first group. 

Nile Gunboats

This vessel is based on the Bordein, a sidewheel gunboat. This was printed on a Creality Ender 3 FDM printer. The deck gun and ship's wheel are scaled down versions of those offered in TVAG's  Houston's Naval Guns and Fittings page. Don't worry, the sailor in the water at the stern was recovered unharmed.

This sternwheeler is based on the Tamai class gunboat. Most of this model was printed on a Creality Ender 3 FDM printer. The boiler, paddlewheel, and guns were printed on the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro SLA (resin) printer. Again, the deck gun and three barreled Nordenfelts  are scaled down versions of those offered in TVAG's  Houston's Naval Guns and Fittings page. I hope to offer the guns in 15mm soon.

Actually, this model is of the USS Lanao, a refloated Spanish gunboat of the same name. It is representative of some of the craft the British used on the Irrawaddy in the Third Burma War. This too, is an FDM print, though the vents are resin. Here, she is armed with the 37mm Hotchkiss Rotating Cannon.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Sun Never Sets - 15mm figures for warfare around the British Empire - Indian Army

 In this post, I thought I would share some photos of some troops of the Raj. The Indian Army is still a work in progress, so additions are still to come.

Regular Indian Infantry in 3 poses, plus an English officer.

Gurkha Infantry in 4 poses, plus an English officer.

Bengal Lancers one pose and an English officer.

The Queen's Own Corps of Guides one pose and an English officer.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Sun Never Sets - 15mm figures for warfare around the British Empire - Afghanistan

 Afghanistan provides to different forces with which to engage those of the British empire. First, is the continual foe of the Northwest Frontier, the Pathans. Second, is the Afghan regular army, who fought in the 2nd Afghan War (1878-1880).


 Pathan Infantry - in about half a dozen poses.

Pathan Cavalry - 2 poses.

Pathan Artillery - The cannon is a 3D printed model.

The Afghan Regular Army

Kabuli Regular Infantry - 3 poses - an officer and 2 other ranks.

Herati Regular Infantry - 3 poses - an officer and 2 other ranks.

Highland Guard Infantry - 3 poses - an officer and 2 other ranks.

The Afghan Regulars are based on descriptions and illustrations from "A MOST VILLAINOUS-LOOKING CAVALCADE"-Ian Heath's treatise on the 19th Century Afghan Regular Army, except for the Herati infantry, which were inspired by the Osprey book, "Queen Victoria's Enemies (3) - India" .

Regular Cavalry - 1 pose - The weapons are separate; the officer has a revolver.

Regular Herati Cavalry - 1 pose - The weapons are separate; the officer has a revolver.

Guard Herati Cavalry - 1 pose - The weapons are separate, the officer has a revolver.

The Afghan Regular Artillery will be coming soon.