Monday, June 3, 2024

The Sun Never Sets - 15mm figures for warfare around the British Empire - Afghanistan

 Afghanistan provides to different forces with which to engage those of the British empire. First, is the continual foe of the Northwest Frontier, the Pathans. Second, is the Afghan regular army, who fought in the 2nd Afghan War (1878-1880).


 Pathan Infantry - in about half a dozen poses.

Pathan Cavalry - 2 poses.

Pathan Artillery - The cannon is a 3D printed model.

The Afghan Regular Army

Kabuli Regular Infantry - 3 poses - an officer and 2 other ranks.

Herati Regular Infantry - 3 poses - an officer and 2 other ranks.

Highland Guard Infantry - 3 poses - an officer and 2 other ranks.

The Afghan Regulars are based on descriptions and illustrations from "A MOST VILLAINOUS-LOOKING CAVALCADE"-Ian Heath's treatise on the 19th Century Afghan Regular Army, except for the Herati infantry, which were inspired by the Osprey book, "Queen Victoria's Enemies (3) - India" .

Regular Cavalry - 1 pose - The weapons are separate; the officer has a revolver.

Regular Herati Cavalry - 1 pose - The weapons are separate; the officer has a revolver.

Guard Herati Cavalry - 1 pose - The weapons are separate, the officer has a revolver.

The Afghan Regular Artillery will be coming soon.

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