Monday, May 27, 2024

The Sun Never Sets - 15mm figures for warfare around the British Empire - Egyptians

 Having started with the Dervish, I thought it would be proper to do the Egyptians second. The Egyptians are one of the most versatile armies. They can be used against the Dervish, with the British against the Dervish, or against the British.

So, here is what we have:

 Egyptian Regular Infantry

Egyptian Sudanese Infantry

Egyptian Regular Cavalry

Egyptian Regular Camelry

Bashi Bazooks - Foot

Bashi Bazooks - Mounted

Mountain Gun on camels

With a few exceptions, the rifles, swords, and pistols held by the mounted troops are 3D prints. I will update this post with photos of the dismounted mountain gun once I get the pictures taken.

Please let me know what you think and thank you for visiting my blog!

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