Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Sun Never Sets - The Action at Umbopa Drift - Part 2

 After the scrape with the two ivyo, the mounted troops regrouped.

The N.M.P. Moved forward to scout to the right of the square.

Upon reaching the crest of the ridge, they discovered 4 more ivyo.

The ivyo immediately charged.

The N.M.P. fell back while the hussars moved up in support.

The cavalry continued to fall back, firing all the while.

The zulu turned from the cavalry and slammed into the square. In the first attack, the 2nd platoon lost 7 killed and 2 wounded. The second ivyo inflicted 2 killed and 1 wounded. Both ivyo were repulsed.

The charging zulus triggered 3 more units.

The hussars move up to protect the battered 2nd platoon. The zulu failed their charge and are pinned.

The hussars make a charge and rout the ivyo.

The 1st platoon took the charge of two ivyo. These were defeated, at the cost of 7 killed and 3 wounded.

The devastation about the square was great, but the convoy was intact.

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