"The Sun Never Sets" is a set of multi-player campaign game covering the high era of British Imperialism. In the game, players represent members of Parliament, British commanders in one area of the Empire, and Native commanders in a different area. As a member of Parliament, a player tries to strengthen the colonial assets in his area of interest as a British commander and weaken those assets in the area where he is a native commander, all while balancing the Imperial budget and negotiating international events of the period.
The original idea behind the game was to generate meaningful and connected battles for a wargame club. In such a setting, one could reasonably expect to get the 10 or more players required together somewhat regularly. My situation, here in rural Colorado, is not ideal for getting anyone together for a game, much less regularly.
That being said, I would still like to participate in a grand campaign of Empire. What follows is a brief description of how I can accomplish this, "The Sun Never Sets Parliament Emulator".
Starting a new campaign on January 1st, 1860, the yearly budget is generated.
This is accomplished by clicking the button on the Exchequer sheet or on the Events Phase sheet. The initial budget is randomly determined. Notice, in the Remaining Budget row, that the salaries for the theater commanders has been deducted.
Next, I go to the Events Phase sheet to determine what international event occurs. An event is drawn on each odd numbered turn, including the first.
I click the button and an event number is calculated. I compare the number to the list of events with requirements on the left of the sheet. As 16 is not an event requiring a specific event occurring beforehand, I click the button to confirm event 16. The tables on the right keep track of events used.
On the bottom half of the Events Phase sheet, the particular events for card 16 are listed. In this case, two events occur. Each of these events has a special button on the right that describes the effects of the event.
I click the Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal button and find that any gunboats I have in the area are lost at sea.
Next, I click the Influenza outbreak in China button. It appears that the outbreak is confined to the native army.
The native loses are added to the Native Forces sheet.
After the Events phase, I move to the Native Political Level phase. There are a number of modifiers to be checked and set as appropriate. As this is the first turn, these will all be set to No.

Now I go to the Native Mobilization sheet and generate a native force for each indicated theater. Note, the Zulus do not mobilize as they have a "Standing Army". The mobilization totals are added to the Native Forces sheet.
It looks like Parliament will be busy this month, so it is time to meet this august body.
This has garnered two more leaning in favor and has flipped the two against to undecided. I only have 4 sway the vote options each year, so I'll have to trust to luck here and save the 3 remaining Sways for later.
Drat! the vote failed by 1! Maybe they will be more inclined to add some auxiliary troops instead. It looks like I can add 1 native auxiliary unit.
The game starts with 4 infantry and 3 cavalry units in South Africa, so it could be worse (like if the Boers declare war in February). Looking at the Exchequer Phase sheet, I see the colonial auxiliary unit there along with the additional expenses for being at war.
Here is a list of things that can be voted on.
I can continue to call for votes as needed. I place the new units on the appropriate map and move units as needed. When I've completed the map movements and determined if any battles are to be fought, I am ready to move onto the next month. Play can continue in this manner for 72 months, which is all we have events for at this time.
In this way, I can be a participant in the building of an Empire!
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