Monday, July 8, 2024

The Sun Never Sets - Disaster at Gakdul Wells

 I played my first solo "The Sword and the Flame" game over the past few weeks using "The Sun Never Sets" Sudan figures. This was a "What If" scenario featuring the Egyptians and Bashi Bazouks versus Arab and Beja Mahdist warriors.

 The Egyptian force was guarding a supply depot at the opening of the Gakdul Wells. There were three platoons (20 figures each) of regular Egyptian infantry, one platoon of Bashi Bazouks, and a 5 barreled Nordenfelt machine gun.

The zeriba laid in a valley with rock strewn high ground to either side and some scrubby trees clinging to a meager existence.

The Egyptian regulars manned the front, right, and back walls of the fort, the Bashi Bazouks were at the left wall, while the machine gun guarded the entrance.

The Mahdist Arabs consisted of six units of foot, two units of horse, and a unit of camelry.

The Beja topped the opposite ridge with six units of foot, two units of camelry, and one of horse.

The tactics were simple. The Dervish moved toward the fort as fast as they could, while the Egyptians fired as fast as they could.

For the first couple of turns, the Nordenfelt pivoted out of the gateway to lay down a galling fire on the Arab cavalry. With help from the right wall, one unit of camelry were put to flight with severe losses.

But The Mahdist kept coming.

Next, the machine gun gave the Arab horse a dusting.

The riflemen were doing their part also.

The machine gun swung back into the gateway just in time to punish the Beja camelry charging in.

Even though the camels were roughly handled, the Dervish kept coming.

 The Dervish were at the walls!

One last volley before the bayonet work started.

The Mahdist leader was concerned about his loses.

The Fuzzies assail the wall and the Bashi Bazouks break and run! And, to make matters worse, the Egyptians on the back wall break too!

A massacre ensues. Only a few Bashi Bazouks and 3rd platoon Egyptians escape.

As the Fuzzies close in on the 1st platoon, they lose their nerve and flee.

The two remaining platoons form squares of sorts and prepare for their last stand.

Gallant is their defense!

The machine gunners are forced to flee into one of the squares.

The Dervish amass for the final assault.

An Arab marksman takes down the gallant Egyptian officer!

With that, The Egyptians succumb to the ruthless Dervish.

 All of the Egyptian force as well as the supplies were lost, but, it was a costly victory for the Mahdist as well. Because the only access to the fort for the mounted troops was the gateway, they had to ride into the teeth of the Nordenfelt. For this they paid dearly. 

It was a lucky shot by one of the few Dervish riflemen that took down the Egyptian Lieutenant and broke the nerve of the 1st platoon.

In the end, I only had two spears and a flag broken free from their wielders. So, a little super-glue and both armies are ready to go at it again.

1 comment:

  1. Bad day for the Gyppo's indeed! But they fought with the desperation that comes only from knowing there is no other option--just bloody bad luck, losing their Officer like that. Would have bought that Chap a cold lemonade in our own British Officer's Club back here in Cairo, but a bit late for that, now.

    Of course, those Bashi's were never going to hold against a determined rush from the Fuzzy's. Might have been best to form them in square in the center of the zariba and make a smaller square from the remaining Fellahin, but that's easy to say from here.

    Excellent work by that 5-Barreled Nordenfelt, though! Another one of those might have given a very different result, wot?

    Still, those Dervish Buggers were taught a lesson that day, and you won't find a hungry jackal for a day's march in any direction.

    Better luck next time!

    Yours In A White Wine Sauce,
    Col. Staff Weenie
