Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Sun Never Sets - The Action at Umbopa Drift

 As was noted in the previous post, Captain Gerard Moon was leading a supply column through hostile territory. The column contains 5 wagons, 2 platoons of the 23rd Infantry, 1troop of the 10th Royal Hussars, and a troop of Natal Mounted Police.

We pick up the action as the column begins to cross the Umbopa Drift.

Lt. Josiah Collins is scouting to the right of the column but has found nothing.

Meanwhile, Sgt. Udy Chesley is scouting a brushy area to the left.

Lt. Boniface (Bonny) Orpen brings up the rear with the Hussars.

Sgt. Chesley spots something, 2 Zulu Ivyo resting in the brush! (Note: the Watti-Hooti roll did not activate any other hidden unit markers.)

The Mounted Police fire an ineffectual volley, but it warns the column of the impending action.

 Sgt. Chesley falls back and delivers another volley, again with little effect.

The Induna Nomfazwe urges him men forward.

Captain Moon orders the infantry to form a square around the wagons.

The hussars close ranks and face the threat, joined by the half-platoon led by Lt. Collins.

The combined firepower of the two cavalry units began to tell on the Zulus.

This gave Captain Moon time to complete the square.

The troops continued to fall back, peppering the Zulus with volleys. One fusillade dropped the Zulu leader of the lefthand unit.

 At this point, the Zulus focused their attack on the Hussars.

A final volley from the Hussars then they fall back to the crest of the ridge.

The Induna Nomfazwe orders a charge, but the first ivyo passes its Critical Morale test but fails its leaderless roll to move. the second ivyo closes on the hussar's flank.

But they lose their nerve at the last second and fail the Close into Combat roll. They fall back into the drift.

Seeing the Zulus falter, Lt. Orpen orders the charge.

Almost half the hussars miss the order, but the charge strikes home. The decimated Zulu ivyo also stands.

Lt. Collins orders the Police forward as well.

In the ensuing melee, the first ivyo is routed at the cost of Pvt. Pentecost Altham's life.

 The Natal Mounted Police's charge was also successful, but the loss of Pvt. Cossie Mostert will be sorely felt.

Thus ended phase one of the action at Umbopa Drift.

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